Bethany is looking for someone to lead the Financial Oversight Team. This individual will help coordinate the annual budget, review monthly financial statements, prepare financial updates for the congregation, and provide recommendations to the Leadership Team.
Sunday School Open House
Interested in our Sunday School program? You are invited to attend our Sunday School Open House on Sunday, March 23rd at 10:15 AM in the Sunday School room. You will get a glimpse into what our Sunday School classes look like by learning a Bible Story, completing activities, and singing songs! This event is open for all children who will be going into 4-year-old Preschool through 5th grade for next school year and their parents. Our church's nursery is open during this hour to watch any younger siblings. Contact Sammi Stegman ( or 920-428-2033) with any questions.
FVL Sacred Concert
All are invited to attend the FVL Choirs Sacred Concert on Sunday, April 6, at 2:00 PM in the Auditorium.
WELS United
WELS United is a group of 21 congregations located in the Fox Valley Area. We have joined together to be able to accomplish things that we could not do on our own. Our prayer is that, through this cooperation, we can better serve the people of our congregations and our community. Please visit our website or to learn more about our ministry.
Family Forum - March 30, 2025
Make plans to attend a Family Forum on March 30, 2025 after the Sunday morning worship service with further updates and discussion regarding Our Shepherd Childcare and Family Ministry.
Midweek Lenten Services & Suppers
Join us for midweek Lenten services on Wednesdays at 4:30PM & 6PM at the Parkway Campus. We also typically have a group from church that serves a meal between those services. We do NOT have anyone signed up to serve for March 12 or 19. Without someone hosting, there will be no dinner. If you would like to assemble a group for one of the openings, please contact
Door Offering this Weekend
The door offering being collected this weekend will support the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS) as they support two missions: vicars in mission settings and new world mission fields in Senegal, Dubai, New Zealand, Native American trives, and Australia. Your gifts will support these missions!
Enrollment Efforts at Our Shepherd
We currently have room for 5 children ages 2.5+ at Our Shepherd. Please help us spread the word for this, and encourage anyone with children ages 5-10 to register for our summer camp, which currently has 5 more openings! They can go to and have them fill out the information requested!
Saturday Bible Study After Worship
All age and faith levels are welcome to a family-friendly walk through of familiar, easy-to-read Bible stories. Join us Saturdays after the 4:30 worship service in the Lynndale Campus praise center. This is a new 45-minute multi-generational Bible Study led by Jeremy Erdmann. Session 1 will begin 5 minutes after service.
Midweek Oasis - New Bible Study Starting
The New Testament book entitled Hebrews is a letter to early Jewish believers in Jesus. Drawing heavily on Old Testament references, the book points to the truth that Jesus was indeed the long-awaited Messiah. But the author makes his point by explicitly saying how Jesus is better than any other option. Thirteen times in the book it is stated that Jesus is "better," "superior," or "more excellent." He is so in comparison to the sacrificial system of the Old Testament, to angels, to Moses, better than any way the book’s readers thought they could approach God. And the lesson for us today is Jesus is still better and superior than any other way we might try to approach God; that we might try to be saved. A new study of this book starts March 5 at our Midweek Oasis. Come learn with us the significance of the Letter to the Hebrews, and see our Superior Savior!
New Bible Study - Samuel the Last Judge of Israel
From an unusual childhood to an unsung ending, Samuel had the distinction of serving as the last Judge of Israel. In this new Sunday Studies series, “Samuel, The Last Judge of Israel,” we will focus on God’s work through his servant to bring much-needed leadership to a spiritually floundering people. Beginning March 2 @ 10:15am, please join us each week in the lower-level fellowship hall of the Parkway Campus for this opportunity to grow in God’s Word together!
FVL Student Art Exhibit
Student Art Exhibition is in the small gym Friday through Sunday, March 7 (3:30-9:30 PM), March 8 (5:30-9:30 PM), March 9 (1:00-4:00 PM). See over 100 pieces of art created by FVL students.
FVL General Board Meeting
The FVL General Board meets Monday, February 24 at 7 PM in the FVL Media Center (use the tower entrance-Door A). Important issues include early work on the 2025-26 budget. The meeting is open to parents and Federation members.
WELS United
WELS United in the Fox Valley will be hosting their annual meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 6:00 PM at Trinity Lutheran Church (407 Oak Street) in Neenah. All area WELS members are welcome to attend and participate in the discussion. We would especially encourage at least one pastor and one layperson from each of our 20 member-congregations to attend and serve as voting delegates and consider running for one of our open offices - Secretary, Education / Worship Coordinator, Support / Benevolence Coordinator. WELS United is a cross-congregational ministry devoted to the simple concept that we can accomplish more working together than we can alone. If you would like to learn more about the work of WELS United and the many possibilities for serving through one of our shared ministries, please plan to attend and know that your input, creative ideas, and willing hearts and hands are welcome! For more information, visit
Lenten Suppers
Ash Wednesday is on March 5 and kicks off the Lenten season of the church year. Here at Bethany we have midweek Lenten services at 4:30PM & 6PM at the Parkway Campus. We also typically have a group from church that serves a meal between those services. If you would like to assemble a group for one of the Wednesdays in Lent (still need groups for March 12, 19, & 26) please contact
Thank You!
Thank you to all who helped move classrooms at Our Shepherd this past week. What a blessing to partner together on this ministry!
Hope Center Volunteers Needed
The Hope Center, a compassion ministry of WELS United located in Appleton, is currently serving more than 180 families every month with practical needs and the good news of Jesus. We are currently in need of additional volunteers Tuesdays (8:30-11:30am), Wednesdays (2-5pm), and Thursdays (12:30-3:30pm). Volunteers with every gift are needed for various roles from packing supply bags to greeting clients to basic office work. Time commitment can vary from once a month to weekly. For more information, contact Jon Pellinen at 920-739-0039 or email
DivorceCare at Immanuel, Greenville
Immanuel, Greenville will be running another session of the DivorceCare ministry starting February 25 running through May 20th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. DivorceCare is a bible-based 13-week program designed to help those who are separated or divorced deal with life challenges that come with their current situation. The sessions cover topics like anger, depression, loneliness, financial survival, childcare, and forgiveness to name a few. All are welcome to attend. Go to to register.
Leadership Team Installation
Bethany’s Leadership Team for 2025 will be installed this Sunday during the 9AM worship service:
Matt Koepsell – President, Todd Healy – Vice President, Rick Buser – Service Lead, Kent Uhlenbrauck – Growth Team, John Yale – Elders Lead, Caleb Bentz – Worship Lead, John Behrens – Sharing Team
Little Blessings Playgroup
Little Blessings Playgroup will meet on February 8th at 9AM at the Little Chute Library in the small room off the main play area. If you’re a parent with young children, please join us for this community building connection!