“The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
That's pretty much the long and short of it.
The Son of Man? That's Jesus. God's own Son. He's true God and true man—a mystery that only God himself understands.
And the lost? That's us. Every human being that's ever lived on this earth. We're lost because we're sinners—enemies of God from the day we were conceived. Dead in our sins, with no way to save ourselves from an eternity in hell.
That's why the gospel is so sweet.
The gospel—the good news—tells us that God didn't leave us to die in our sins. He sent his own Son, Jesus, to seek and to save the lost.
Jesus was perfect for us.
Jesus is our substitute. He took our place. God demands perfection—a sinlessness that we cannot by any stretch of the imagination achieve.
But Jesus did.
Jesus took our punishment.
God demands justice. Sin must be paid for. And that's exactly what Jesus did when he suffered and died on the cross. His death was all the payment necessary to wash away your sins and ours and those of everyone throughout time and eternity.
Jesus lives to bring us home to heaven.
After his death on the cross, God raised Jesus from the dead. Like a stamp of approval on a job well done. And it's a promise that Jesus's life is your life. That he will—and there's no doubt he will—bring all who believe in him to live forever in heaven.
This is what we believe. And this is what we teach.
Because Jesus came to seek and to save the lost.
Questions? We'd love to sit down with you and discuss Jesus's love for you in more detail.