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Vacation Bible School

Maker Fun Factory - 2017 Summer Vacation Bible School at Bethany!

- Tuesday (June 13) - Friday (June 16) 
- 8:30 - 11:15 each morning
- Open to children ages 3 - 12

Each day is full of activities, stories, songs, games, and lots of fun as we learn and celebrate the awesome things God has made--like us!

Open to the public! To register, pick up a form on either campus or Our Shepherd and drop it off at Our Shepherd. (Parkway Campus: 530 W. Parkway Blvd Appleton, WI 54911; Lynndale/Our Shepherd Campus: 3335 N. Lynndale Dr. Appleton, WI 54914). Call Our Shepherd at (920)733-3344 with questions or for more information. Registration is free.

Earlier Event: June 11
Summer Shindig
Later Event: September 10
Fall Bible Classes