Sermon Series: Because Jesus Lives
The Apostle Peter was an eyewitness to Jesus’s life, death and resurrection. He had a front row seat to the saving work of the Messiah himself. Which means Peter is in a great position to share with us all of the blessings that belong to us because Jesus lives. For Peter, so much in his life, his ministry and his future was riding on the event of Jesus’s resurrection.
As we consider a series of messages from the book of 1 Peter, we see that the truth is, everything in our lives and our future is riding on that event, as well.
Week 6: Because Jesus Lives We Are Ready to Give an Answer
As we celebrate Confirmation Sunday, our thoughts turn to what it means to live a life of faithfulness to our God. It’s only because of the hope we have in Jesus that we’re able to live a faithful life. It’s this hope that we have in Jesus—the certainty of our eternal future in him—that enables our confirmands to make their promises of faithfulness. And it’s the same certainty of faith that enables us to be prepared at all times to give an answer to the reason for the hope that we have in Jesus.