Sermon Series: Victorious
To the world he seemed like a defeated man: opposed and killed by his enemies, his followers scattered in fear. Yet three days after Jesus' death he rose victorious from the dead. Nothing would ever be the same. The rest of eternity is now a victory march for the risen Christ.
During Easter, we should not think of ourselves as passive observers in Christ's victory. We are more than fans cheering for our favorite athlete! Rather, we are active participants in Christ's triumph. Just as his death was our death, so also his life is our life. Buried with Christ in baptism, our life is now hidden with him on high. The victory is ours, now and forever.
Because we are joined with Jesus in faith, we share in his Easter victory—and that victory extends over every area of our lives in this world.

Week 6: Victorious to the Ends of the Earth
As we consider the Ascension of our Lord Jesus, there are many different things we could focus on. We know that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father, speaking to the Father on our behalf. We know he is there preparing a place for us, where we will spend eternity with him. We know that Jesus is ruling all things for the benefit of his Church. But what we’ll focus on today is our Lord Jesus’s commission to his church to take the message of his salvation, the message of his Easter victory, to the ends of the earth. And we’ll see how he accompanies and blesses us as we carry out that important work.

Week 5: Victorious: Faith over Fear of Life’s Final Moments
Today we consider how we think about the end of our life. Is it going to be fight or flight? Do we not want to deal with it? Or is it something we can embrace, even with contentment and joy? Because of Easter, the answer to that question is yes, we can face even life’s final moments with no fear.

Week 4: Selfless Love Is Victorious over Self-Glorification
We see that selfless love is victorious over self-glorification most clearly in the saving work that Jesus did for us. But we also see how this has application in our lives as his followers, as we seek to love others just as Jesus has loved us.

Week 3: Divine Works Are Victorious over Empty Words
In a world where words are often said but not supported by actions, we see in Jesus words and actions that are in perfect harmony. Today we consider not only the miracles that Jesus did, but also the saving work he did on our behalf. All of the works of Jesus show us that his words and his promises are never empty.

Week 2: Clear Sight Is Victorious over Spiritual Blindness
Spiritual blindness can come in many different varieties. Beyond the outward, hostile rejection of Jesus, there are things that come up in our lives that dim or blur our vision of God’s love for us. But Jesus’ victory at the cross and the empty grave, clear up our vision so that we always see God’s love for us perfectly.

Week 1: Victorious over Doubt and Fear
Today we consider the eyewitness testimony we have of Jesus’ resurrection in his Word. We know that we are victorious with Jesus, and because we have this testimony, we are also victorious over the doubts and fears that often attack our faith as we go about our lives in this world.
Week 7: Victorious through the Word
In the final week of our series called Victorious, we also celebrate the day of Pentecost. We will not only look at the work that the Holy Spirit does in coming to give God’s Word to his people, to create and strengthen faith. We will also consider how the Spirit delivers all of the blessings that Jesus won at the cross to the individual hearts of people in this world. The victory that Jesus won is all ours through the Word. And the Holy Spirit is the one who works through that Word to plant it in our hearts.