Sermon Series: When the Lord Comes Near
"Advent" is a Latin word that means "coming." The season of Advent is the four week period before Christmas that the Church uses to connect the two "comings" of Christ. The first time the Lord came into our world it was as a tiny, helpless baby, born in a manger in Bethlehem. However, when Jesus comes again, it will be in all his power and glory with his angelic army behind him. He will be coming as judge at the end of time.
Let us use these four weeks to see how the events of Jesus' first coming remove all our fears about his second coming. We can hold our heads high when the Lord comes near.

Week 3: When the Lord Comes Near, He Humbles His Enemies
When the Lord comes near, he humbles his enemies. He puts out of our way all of the things that interfere with our relationship with him. He clears the path of everything that separates us from him. And he brings us joy and confidence for our lives of service to him.

Week 2: When the Lord Comes Near, He Humbles His People
When the Lord comes near, he humbles his people. He does this through the messengers he sends, and through the message that they proclaim. Today we want to not only consider how God humbles his people, but remember God’s purpose in doing so—it’s to prepare a way for Jesus to enter our hearts and lives, and bring us close to himself.

Week 1: When the Lord Comes Near, He Humbles Himself
As we begin the season of Advent, we consider the theme, “When the Lord Comes Near.” When the Lord comes near, he humbles his people, he humbles his enemies, and he lifts up the humble. But today we consider that when the Lord comes near, he first of all humbles himself. He humbled himself in order to carry out our salvation. And he continues to come to his people in a very humble way to bring that salvation to our hearts.
Week 4: When the Lord Comes Near, He Lifts Up the Humbled
A couple of weeks ago, we heard that when the Lord comes near, he humbles his people. In order to truly be prepared for Christ’s coming—both at Christmas and on the Last Day—he has to level the mountains of our arrogance and pride, so we can see our need for God’s salvation. Today, we see that when the Lord comes near, he lifts up the humbled. After God humbles us to see our sinful nature and our need for him, he comes to us with the message of forgiveness and the gift of faith. He lifts us up to live lives of joy and Godly humility as his loved and forgiven children.